Franklin the Mind Magician

Leeds based professional close-up and cabaret mind magician

Services we provide


Woodlea Cottage
Woodlea Court
West Yorkshire
LS17 8BE
United Kingdom

About Franklin the Mind Magician

The mind-bending magic experience that is perfect for every occasion

Whatever your event, allow Franklin to bring his mind-bending demonstrations up close and personal. This is one-on-one entertainment that happens right before your eyes - the show where everyone gets a front-row seat.

The skillful tricks of a magician give an audience clever and entertaining puzzles to solve. Franklin the mind magician takes a greater step, deep into the mind of his audience, by demonstrating something that seems miraculous, and nothing short of real mind reading. He appears to take control of how an individual thinks, using techniques including psychology, suggestion, and subconscious influence.

If you want an entertainer that stands out, an entertainer who can give you and your guests more, much more, than they would expect from a magician doing card tricks, then Franklin the Mind Magician is a perfect choice, he will make your event even more special and even more memorable.


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