Rent N' Event

Event Equipment Rental in Kent and the South East!


Tunbridge Wells
United Kingdom

About Rent N' Event

We are an Event Rental Company that provides you with a wide range of event equipment for every event or occasion. We have party tents, gazebos, instant shelters, Giant Games, PA and digital sound systems, mics, stands, lights, Props, Scenery, screens, flat screens, temporary staging and more

We can help you with almost any kind of event - weddings, outdoor weddings, celebration occasions, birthday parties, garden parties, fetes and community events, school sports days, funerals and remembrance services, corporate events, conferences & seminars, presentations & training, showcases, events for schools, churches and faith groups, outdoor worship and services, outdoor and mobile cinema, live screenings of concerts, civic occasions, and sports events.

We provide a complete service and provide all the equipment as required, all the leads and cables, and we'll set everything up for you, and connect your source equipment, so it's ready and working for you when you need it, and we will either stay to attend the equipment or you can operate it yourself and arrange collection at an agreed time.

Typical Clients

Weddings, outdoor weddings, celebration occasions, birthday parties, garden parties, fetes and community events, school sports days, funerals and remembrance services, corporate events, conferences & seminars, presentations & training, showcases, events for schools, churches and faith groups, outdoor worship and services, outdoor and mobile cinema, live screenings of concerts, civic occasions, and sports events.


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