Rosegold Entertainment

Acoustic and function band for corporate, private, wedding, funeral, and bespoke event.
Higher Love


United Kingdom

About Rosegold Entertainment

Rose Gold is a group of exceptionally talented singers and musicians who cater for a wide range of musical style from an acoustic duo to a full function band. Our band members are skilled in most genres such as soul, pop, jazz, rock, gospel, Motown and many more.

We are able to deliver a bespoke package tailored to fit our clients' requirement. We provide flash mobs performances and show up as a surprise at events on request, singing you down the aisle at your wedding ceremony, wedding reception, providing background music at your corporate event to add extra spark to your private parties and Christmas celebrations.

We also perform at funerals singing a cappella, solemn hymns and other songs as requested.

Typical Clients

We provide music entertainments for different events including weddings, birthdays, corporate and private events, charity event, and funerals.
We have powerful and experienced acoustic and full band line up that can add something unique to your event.


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