Lunzer Wine

Fine Wine - Stories - Bespoke events. Peter Lunzer shares his passion for fine wine through exclusive and entertaining events.

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United Kingdom

About Lunzer Wine

Peter Lunzer is one of UK’s leading wine experts, a raconteur, and a gentleman host with a unique ability to make all events entertaining, enlightening, and engaging, always ensuring that guests head home with a positive feeling.

Ultimately, he is a storyteller bringing over three decades of experience from the wine world, deep knowledge, and his tongue in cheek charm, to all his bespoke events.

Despite impressive credentials including writing and hosting a food pairing curriculum for Le Cordon Bleu Cookery School and a long list of clients and collaborators in the corporate global world, he could quite possibly be the most down to earth wine expert you will ever meet.

He is known for pouring from his encyclopaedic wine knowledge with a generous dose of humour. Allergic to wine snobbery, his take on wine always comes with a thought-provoking Peter point-of-view, essentially encouraging the guests to trust their own tastebuds.

Lunzer Wine was founded in 1991 by wine expert Peter Lunzer and it’s impossible to separate the two. His infectious passion for wine infuses the business with a signature blend of storytelling, exquisite quality, knowledge, meaning, conviviality, wit, and respect for individual taste.


Our philosophy is making the art of sharing fine wine exclusive, inclusive, entertaining and the perfect catalyst for a memorable time together. This underpins everything we offer - online and in-person corporate events, bespoke wine themed dinners & tastings and wine travel.

Our curated Lunzer Wine Shop offers opportunities to buy our recommendations and our wine investment service is an insider guide to a complicated subject.


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