Patrick Keyz

Patrick is a talented pianist with a passion for music that spans across genres. With over a decade of experience playing the piano, Patrick has mastered the art of captivating audiences with his music.
"Eyes Closed" - Ed Sheeran (Piano Cover) - Patrick Yeboah

Services we provide


Milton Keynes
United Kingdom

About Patrick Keyz

His specialty lies in playing RnB, Soul, Hip-hop, Pop and Gospel music, and he has developed a reputation for being able to set the mood for any occasion with his soulful melodies and upbeat rhythms.

Patrick is frequently requested to perform at weddings and events across the UK and has won praise from both clients and crowds.

He creates a repertoire from a variety of musical styles that is customised to the preferences of each customer.
Patrick is adamant that he learns every arrangement by ear, creating each one as a unique piece of music, and that he can do this swiftly to fulfil your requests.


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