People & Wine

Wine tasting and events, Fleur can provide to both individuals and businesses always delivering entertaining and exciting wine-related experiences.
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United Kingdom

About People & Wine

I bring my passion and experience to my clients, offering very personal and interactive tasting or wine events. I love passing on my wine knowledge in a fun manner helping people identify their wine style while delivering engaging and relaxed wine experiences.

The wine tastings: I offer the classics such as wine & cheese, Wine & food pairings, New world vs Old World or more unusual such as blindfolded tastings or wine and music.
Each tasting will last around 90 mins and include:
- Tasting methodology
- Food & Wine pairing recommendation
- The “learning” around the topic

The wine events: are for those who require a more relaxed approach.
From team events where your guests wonder around to various wine stands, to the service knowledge where your guests can get individual tastings if they wish, to the very relaxed home event where my team and I will order, prepare and cater your event so you can relax and enjoy.


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