Sarah Barnes Celebrant

Matlock based celebrant - Bespoke services for all celebrations


16 Gritstone Road
United Kingdom

About Sarah Barnes Celebrant

Life is full of love and celebration. My role as a celebrant is about creating an individual and personal service for your event. It may be the joy of joining a loving couple for a life together, the welcoming of a new child into the world or into a new family, or the sad farewell of a loved one and a celebration of their life.

​I am here to guide you through the process and to create a ceremony as individual as you are.

Typical Clients

I provide ceremonies for all types of events and can provide a service supported by a wealth of experience in public speaking and events work. I create meaningful and individual ceremonies for Namings, Weddings, Funerals (to name a few) and always support my clients to find the magic in the most happy and sad of occasions.


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