Fun 2 C Faces
About Fun 2 C Faces
Fun 2 C Faces is a professional face painting and body painting business. Providing face painting for children's parties, events, charity events, corporate events and much much more. Our mix and match approach enables you to have glitter tattoos, face painting and party/event planning if needed.
Fully trained and insured we offer face painting, body painting, pregnancy bump painting, glitter tattoos, special effects and theatrical make up. Covering Cornwall, Bodmin, Camborne, Flamouth, Redruth, Hayle, Helston, St.ives Sennen Cove, Lands End, St. Austell and Penzance.
Typical Clients
Parties, solo paints, charity, fund raising, national store openings, corporate advertising, weddings, marketing, community events, fun days etc.
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