The Fruitory

Loughborough based juices, smoothies and fruit pots. Nothing added, nothing taken, just fresh fruit.

Services we provide


20 The Office Village
North Road
United Kingdom

About The Fruitory

Our mission is to inspire people to maintain a healthy and vibrant lifestyle and contribute to their well-being. We specialize in serving juices, smoothies, smoothie bowls, and fruit pots. All of our products are made using only fresh ingredients providing you with a mouthful of goodness.

Our juices are cold-pressed. The fruit (or veg) is first crushed, and then pressed at a very slow rate resulting in no heat whilst juicing. This means that all the nutrients and vitamins are still intact leaving you with a very healthy and delicious drink to quench your thirst!

We have attended many events including vegan markets, music festivals, and camping events. Having a staff appreciation day? Not to worry, we can pop-up with our purpose-built juice bar almost anywhere!


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