Michael Buble Tribute Act
Michael Buble Tribute Act

Michael Buble Tribute Act

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Looking to add some smooth and sophisticated style to your event?

Consider hiring a Michael Buble tribute act! With his signature crooning voice and classic repertoire of jazz and swing standards, with hits like 'Feeling Good' and 'Haven't Met You Yet', a Michael Buble impersonator is sure to bring an air of elegance and class to any party or event. Whether you're hosting a corporate function, wedding reception, or private party, a Michael Buble tribute act is a perfect choice for adding a touch of timeless glamour to your festivities. Book now to experience the magic of Michael Buble at your next event!

Michael Buble Tribute Inspiration

essence of buble sings michael buble

Essence of Buble

We are a two-piece band, playing in Michael Buble style, all genres - classic swing, pop, big band, ballads, even blues!

tony as michael buble tribute act

The British Buble (Michael Buble Tribute Act)

The UK's answer to Michael Bublé is one of the most sought after tribute acts currently touring. International coverage. Based in West London.

Kevin Fitzsimmons as michael buble

Kevin Fitzsimmons Entertainment

Hire wow-factor Michael Buble tribute singer, Frank Sinatra tribute, rat pack singer, & Dean Martin tribute for weddings, parties & corporate events nationwide.

chris ritche as michael buble

Chris Ritchie - International Vocalist

Michael Bublé Tribute Show, featuring the hits of the Canadian crooner presented in the relaxed style that has made Chris Ritchie one of the most popular and sought-after performers today.

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Michael Buble Tribute Act

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