Memories In Flower Preservation

Brides don't throw away your bouquet let me preserve them for you!
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United Kingdom

About Memories In Flower Preservation

We specialise in creating bespoke pieces of art that you will cherish forever. Our passion lies in flower preservation, where we transform your beloved flowers into stunning works of art.
Your Wedding bouquet is one of the most special memories of your day we understand the emotional attachment you have to these precious blooms,
you are not just investing in a piece of art – you are preserving a moment, a feeling, and a memory. Our goal is to create a unique masterpiece that captures the essence of your flowers and evokes the emotions associated with them.

We will keep you informed of each step along the way making you a part of your bouquets preservation.
We provide different types of preservation. Resin. Shadow Box Frame. Glass Bell Domes .


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